How to properly superimpose text on images?

Photography, as a background for text, is used not only in web design. This technique is popular both in decor and in the media. Look around: adding text to an image gives sense to the message and can be an emotional hook for the consumer.

The photo paired with text is meant to tell the whole story, not just as a background. Therefore, working with an image is often more difficult than simply darkening or adding transparency. The key task is to combine the rhythmic drawing of the text and the graphic drawing of the photograph.

How to do it? There are now many examples and discussions of how to enhance the impact of text with photography. Below are some of the more interesting custom tricks.

Use white space in the photo or stretch a free background to add text to your images.

How to add text to an image with Movavi

With Movavi Photo Editor, you can easily write any text on your images, as well as easily change the font, size, and other caption parameters.

  • Select and click on photo to overlay text

Then launch Movavi Photo Editor and click the "Open File" button in the workspace of the interface and find the snapshot you want to process using File Explorer. Also, you can simply drag and drop the desired photo into the workspace of the editor.

  • How do I insert text into an image?

Then go to the "Text" tab on the toolbar above the work area to open the group of parameters for labels. Then click the Add Signature button and an edit box will appear on the photo. And only then click inside the field and write your text on the picture. It can be anything: a funny signature, a congratulation, or even a watermark.

  • How to edit text

To edit the text, you will need to change the size and angle of the text box using the arrow icon in the lower right corner of the text box. And only then, you can drag the label to another area of the image by simply holding down the left mouse button and moving the frame to the desired location. You can remove the label by clicking the cross in the upper left corner of the text box.

Text subtab sets the text parameters: size, font, line thickness, letter and outline color, and signature shape. Change the settings for the background of the text.

Go to the Appearance sub-tab and click the Add Appearance button to add different stickers for the text.

If you want to erase all the labels on the photo, click the Delete All button and start over. Adjust the text parameters after you write on the picture.

  • Save your finished photo

After adding and customizing the text elements, save what you've got. To do this, click the Save button in the lower right corner of the program interface. In the same window that opens, you can change the name of the file and the format in which it will be saved.

Additional guidelines on how to add text

Placing text over a photo or illustration is a popular and powerful graphic design technique for a website. It draws attention to the picture, shows the importance of information.

This technique is most often used in the covers and on the first screen of the site, in the table of contents (products, blog articles), at the beginning of a section, in blocks with calls to action and a button.

In the covers, the photo is the background, it should correspond to the theme of the site, but the main thing is the text. The image should not argue with the text, it is responsible for creating the right atmosphere. The text should be well readable.

In covers, the text is usually centered. Therefore, it is better to choose a photo that does not have small details in the middle - where the title will be. It can be a simple figure, such as a wall of a house or an open space in a landscape. Something homogeneous. White covers work well - with a light photo in the background. You can color the text to create a vibrant style.

  • Achieve Contrast With Color

Find an image that is easy for the eye to perceive: not too bright and not too dark, without a lot of fine details that make it difficult to read. (Imagine that you can lose a client just because the phone number cannot be made out.). When placing text, follow a simple rule: the background is dark, which means that the text should be light. And vice versa: light background - dark text.

Choose opposites. White and black, red and white, yellow and purple, blue and orange - these colors work well in pairs.

  • Make the background darker

If the original photo doesn't have enough contrast to the text, add a layer of translucent dark background over the top of the photo.

Darkening the image will allow to read the text well. The higher the opacity, the darker the photo will be. However, if the photo is very light, then the black gradient can make the image look dull and pale. So check how the photo looks when darkened. And it's better to take darker photos.

  • Decorate the cover with a color gradient

This technique is similar to the previous one, but instead of a black layer, add a color layer over the image. To choose the right shade to suit your site's gamut, use your corporate identity colors or a background image palette.

  • Blurred all or part of the image

Another way to achieve readability is to blur the background image or the part of it where the text will be located.

  • Change the positioning and size of the picture

Use white space in your photo. In this area, the text will be easier to read and perceived as part of the snapshot. To insert text where you want it, reposition the text and image itself.
Now, thanks to our information, you have learned how and what to do to correctly overlay text on images. We hope that our article came in handy and helped you.

(Jul 7, 2021) Clemence Servonnat creativity getting-started

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